With two big films, one in Telugu and the other in Tamil, on her platter, Hansika is all set to be back in the reckoning. This 9th of August, as she turns 21, Hansika is looking forward to the release of Kandireega and Velayudham. Besides, she is quite busy with Oru Kal Oru Kannadi and Oh My Friend too. The child artiste-turned-heroine is all praise for her co-stars, Ram of Tollywood and Vijay, the Tamil superstar, when IndiaGlitz caught up with her for a brief chat.
In the tete-a-tete, she says that Tollywood and Kollywood are just names and that they are functionally almost the same. She avers that she will not be averse to playing any kind of role, even that of a sanyasin (one which made her a household name some years ago with Desamuduru), and the only criterion that matters to her is script.
Excerpts from the interview.
How is Kandireega going to be?
Well, it has come out really well. I would say that the film is an action/comedy film. It is a fulsome entertainer, which you will like to watch with your family on a Sunday.
I have liked the songs a lot. In fact, many people on Twitter are writing whole lines. It goes to show how well the audio has gone done with the listeners.
How was it working with Ram?
It was fun working with him. I had worked with him earlier (for Maska). It was nice working with him again for the second time.
What are Kandireega's high points.
The highlight of the movie is the lead pair; the highlight of the movie is the audio. In short, the highlight of the movie is the script.
Though you had ventured into regional cinema with a Telugu film (Desamuduru), you have done more number of Tamil films than Telugu films.
Yes, obviously I have done more of Tamil than Telugu cinema. Look, the thing is that wherever I get an opportunity to entertain, I would entertain.
What kind of a film is Oh My Friend? (In the film, she co-stars with Siddharth)
It is a youth-oriented film. It is very different from all the films in which I have been seen. It is about love, it is about friendship. I can't reveal much (about the film) at this point in time.
Can we expect to see you in roles as interesting as that of a saffron robed sanyasin, in future? Or, are you going to stick to bubbly, girl-next-door roles?
For me, what matters is the script. If the script demands me to don a particular role, I will be game to do that. Thus, yes, I can play a sanyasin again, if the script is good.
In a lighter vein, were you ever approached by someone with a silly role which made you angry?
No, not really. I think I have made that mark and I enjoy a commanding position where people can't come and ask me to do silly roles.
Could you share a thought about the way Tollywood and Kollywood work?
I feel that Tollywood and Kollywood are just their names. They are two different languages, that's all. Otherwise, people are professional and welcoming. Luckily, I have not struggled for my roles much; the people are very welcoming, in either industry.
Are you going to act in television if the right offers come your way?
Television offers are not coming to me at the moment. Also, I am not willing to do anything for TV. My hands are full with movies and that's more important to me.
You are referred to as Khushboo in Tamil.
Oh, Khushboo madam actually called me also when Engeyum Kaadhal released and she told me that she had seen it. And, people calling me Khushboo felt like being honoured with an award. It feels very good that a newcomer like me has been compared to a legendary actress like her. I hope that I will live up to the expectations of everyone.
Do you have a dream to act with this or that hero?
I am a very greedy actress. So, I would like to act with everyone - all the heroes, all the directors, all the actors - if I get a chance to.
Are you taking any resolutions on this birthday?
No, not really. If I have to change something, I will change it that very moment. I don't have to wait for 9th of August to do that.
If not an actress, what would you have been?
Well, I don't know what I would have been if I was not an actress, because I was lucky to be a child artiste. I never got a chance to think what I would have been if I was not an actress. I stick to be an actress.
You know so many languages at this young age. Do you enjoy learning so many tongues? Or, do you learn them out of a necessity?
I don't take it (learning languages) as a stress. It is a fun thing; I learn them in the process of working and interacting with people. I talk to the people in different languages, even though I may not be knowing the language well. I speak to them even if I am jerky.
When are you planning to dub for yourself, be it in Telugu or Tamil?
I don't know. It may probably happen sooner. My language should be polished for that.
How has it been working with Vijay, the Tamil superstar?
It has been great working with Vijay. He is a very close friend and a wonderful co-star.
What kind of a subject is Velayudham?
It is releasing by the end of this year. It is a family entertainer. It is a full Vijay film where people will love him, clap and whistle for him.
Will you be willing to act as a second heroine?
I have never been offered a second heroine so far.
Who is your favourite star?
All actually, can't name anyone.
Did you ever follow any actress' acting template in the past?
No, I think I have my own identity. I can't really follow someone.
Who is your best critic?
My mom is my biggest critic. It is she who suggests that this is good, this is wrong. She gives me the right direction.